Essential Exams

The boarding school is a living, welcoming and teaching place designed to promote academic success. This structure encourages the learning of autonomy and respect for collective rules. It contributes to reducing social inequalities and allows students to take training anywhere in the territory.

The objectives of the boarding school

The boarding school is a response to different needs encountered by families. This device is accessible to all as long as the student and his parents are volunteers. It is not a simple accommodation solution, it is above all an educational project.

It allows students to access an educational, sporting, linguistic or cultural offer aimed at their development and academic success.

The student studies there in a favorable learning environment thanks to quality supervision. He finds there a space of freedom, of development of his personality.

Well-being at the heart of the internship project

Life at the boarding school alternates between collective moments and moments of work, rest and leisure in suitable places.

The accountability of the intern allows the construction of harmonious relationships with the adults in the management and his comrades . The educational team promotes the voluntary participation of students in the various bodies of the establishment or in the preparation of events specific to the life of the establishment. It accompanies initiatives taken by members of the boarding school.

Respect for school, educational and personal time

Extra-curricular time is organized in such a way as to take into account the needs of boarders while ensuring respect for different times: studies, educational sports and cultural activities, free time .

The boarding school organizes a coherent, adapted and attractive cultural and sporting offer for the students, drawing on all the local resources. Depending on the needs, the boarding school can call on outside contributors with whom a partnership is established upstream.

Internet use and access to documentation

The internship plan specifies the procedures for access by interns to the documentation and information of the establishment as well as to the resources available on the Internet. The use of the internet is supervised by the establishment and may be the subject of a contract signed by the student when it is not specified by the rules of procedure.

Pupils are encouraged to use means of communication within the framework of their exchanges with their families. Mobile phone, e-mail, etc: the choice and use of communication tools are listed in the rules of procedure.

Boarding school: parents involved in school life

Parents are involved in the main stages of the life of the boarding school from the start of the new school year. They are regularly invited to discover and appreciate the work of their children (exhibitions, various presentations). Individual time can be allocated to parents who request it. As in any school, personalized meetings with families are implemented to hand over the results of the evaluations or the school report cards. Digital tools allow exchanges with the establishment even when the parents cannot travel.

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